Admission Process

Our doors in the Admissions department remain open throughout the year, looking forward to the opportunity to welcome you into our school community, regardless of the season.

The admissions process follows a structured approach to ensure a smooth transition for your child into our educational environment:

1. Contact us

Please reach out to us to schedule a visit to our school or to arrange a virtual call, especially if you are currently abroad.

2. School Tour/Virtual Call

This stage provides us with the chance to meet you and your child, allowing a deeper understanding of your child’s needs and interests. We will delve into our curriculum and show you our facilities, providing you with a glimpse into our amazing learning environment.

3. Assessment/Taster Day

We may request your child’s previous school report (if applicable) and organize placement tests if necessary. Furthermore, we may invite your child to a taster day at our school, allowing them to immerse themselves in our community.

4. Acceptance

Upon successfully completing the assessment process, you will receive an offer in writing, giving you a fixed period (between 5 to 10 days), during which we will reserve a place for your child as you proceed with the registration process.

5. Enrolment

Congratulations! Your family is now part of our School Community.


International School Andalucía will offer places to families where spaces are available and the school can meet the needs of the child. Applications are dealt with on a first come first served basis.

Admissions Details

The school is open all year, including July and August (for these summer months the hours are from 9am until 2pm)

For more information please contact our Head of Admissions, Marisol González, on +34 955 702 430 or email

General Overview

Children from all nationalities are welcome to apply. All children applying for a place from Year 3 upwards, including those with siblings already in the school, will be required to sit an entrance test in English and Maths. Applicants who achieve a reasonable grade in the test will be offered a place.

If a child does not achieve the required standard the school can reassess at a later date; suggest an enhanced curriculum including extra support in English, or adapt the level of entry (the child´s year group). This is at the school’s discretion.

Applications are considered for the Academic Year in which they apply.

If your application is for more than one child, each child will be considered individually based on their own merits.


Siblings of current students are given priority if the year group is not at full capacity. Sibling discounts are also available.

In Year Applications

While the school year starts in September, we do accept children throughout the year depending on availability of spaces.


International School Andalucía believes that good student behaviour is fundamental in enabling the best learning experience possible. Every student enrolled at the school should have a positive attitude towards learning and respect for the school community. The school has an established discipline policy which can be shared with families.

Class Sizes

Maximum class sizes are 25 students.

Applications for the Next Academic Year

These can be made at any time. Please contact the school and our  Head of Admissions will arrange a meeting with you at your convenience.

Medical Records

The school requires current and accurate information regarding your child’s medical requirements. It is important that parents update the school immediately should the requirements change. We require records of previous medical treatment, allergies, and vaccination records. These should be handed in when your child is first registered at the school. All records are stored and protected using current GDPR legislation.


International School Andalucía is a co-educational school.


International School Andalucía operates a fair and non-discriminatory approach to the selection of students, to enable a diverse and rich cultural experience for all children and members of the school community. Our students´main nationality is Spanish. However, we have children from over 20 different nationalities in the School.

Admissions Deadlines

Admissions for the academic this academic year is open, and enquiries are accepted at all times. Places will be granted upon availability.

Year Groups

Children will only be admitted to the appropriate Year Group by age. We follow both the Spanish and the British age boundaries for year groups and which one we follow for your child will depend upon their personal circumstances.

To know more about our fees and the enrolment process click on the following link:

If you have any questions, you can contact our admissions department at, or via the Admissions Form below: