Do you know our Houses System?
“To promote teamwork, community spirit and motivation amongst students across the school”
At the International School of Andalucía each student is a member of one of our houses: Dalí, Miró, Picasso and Velázquez.
Every time a student receives a merit it is converted into a house point for their house. The students can also achieve house points by participating in house competitions. These competitions are run by teachers as a class/year group activity or as a whole school activity such as sports day. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded with the house cup. Picasso are the current winners. (2019)
The house system is facilitated by the Mr Stephanides (Head of Houses) but is run by the House Captains. The students have full ownership of their house system and everything we do is decided during our house meetings which usually occur weekly.
The house system has been raising money for the school for over a year in collaboration with The Friends of ISA. Virtually every month the Friends of ISA and the House Captains run a cake sale. This has been a huge success and raised money for sports equipment for the school last year. This could not have been achieved without the commitment of the Friends of ISA who coordinate the cake sales.