How do we develop social skills at ISA?

What social development activities do we do?

At ISA we firmly believe in the development of the whole child from an academic, social and emotional point of view. Therefore, in addition to teaching the subjects in the curriculum, students actively participate in initiatives and projects that allow the development of very important skills for the evolution of the student such as assertiveness, empathy, respect or the ability to speak in public. Below are some of the activities we carry out:


Students participate in a weekly group assembly (Primary and Secondary). During these assemblies, social issues of interest and current affairs are discussed. In addition, pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate what they have been learning and show it to the rest of the school.

House System

“Promoting teamwork, community spirit and motivation among students throughout the school”.

At International School Andalucía, each student is a member of one of our Houses: Dalí, Miró, Picasso and Velázquez. Each House is made up of a group of students from all years. The members of the houses participate as a team in different projects throughout the course.

Each time a student receives a merit, it is converted into a point for their house. Students can also achieve points by participating in inter-house competitions that teachers organise as part of a year group activity, or as part of school-wide activities such as “Sports Day”.

The House system is led by Mr Stephanides (Head of Houses), but is run by the House Captains of each House. Students have full ownership of their House system and everything we do is decided during House meetings, which usually take place weekly.

Student Leadership

Student leadership involves our young people taking an active role in their education and in improving their school, which in turn develops positive social and communication skills and enables them to exert a positive influence on younger students. This will reinforce a positive sense of belonging and identity with their school.