Current job offers for British Curriculum teachers are published on our Linkedin profile and on TES.

Please contact us at 


This school and ISP are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All post holders are subject to appropriate vetting procedures and satisfactory Criminal Background Checks or equivalent covering the previous 10 years employment history.

Our teaching team consists mainly of teachers who teach the British curriculum in Foundation, Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form.  We employ teachers who are native speakers of English with UK teaching qualifications.


All successful candidates will be required to:

  • Provide proof of identity
  • Provide Criminal Background Checks or equivalent covering any country they have lived and worked in during the last 10 years.
  • Provide proof of professional status
  • Provide actual certificates of qualifications
  • Complete a confidential health questionnaire (in countries where this is permitted)
  • Provide proof of eligibility to live and work in the country of employment

The above must be included in the conditional offer letter clearly stating that failure to comply will result in the offer being withdrawn.

All checks will be:

  • Confirmed in writing
  • Documented and retained on the personnel file
  • Recorded on the school’s Single Central Register
  • Followed up if they are unsatisfactory or if there are any discrepancies in the information received.

Employment will commence subject to all checks and procedures being satisfactorily completed.

For more information: International School Sevilla