The advantages of musical expression activities in infant courses

Musical expression during the infant school years, from 3 to 5 years old, stimulates the cognitive development, the motor area and the affective capacities of the students. At International School Andalucía we have developed a specific program of activities, which integrates musical expression during the first school years, through music activities for children. 

The objective of this part of the educational program is based on encouraging motor development and also stimulating their cognitive abilities from their early years through music.

The importance of musical expression in their early stages of development

Musical expression activities in early childhood have advantages both for the individual development of the student, as well as for their social skills. 

Music encourages movements that will enhance their coordination and general motor skills. The movements associated with music and dance are useful because they serve as a testing ground for developing movements that go beyond the usual motor development. Activities such as Zumbini, help us to foster their motor skills through musical activities. 

In relation to their cognitive abilities, music activities for children help them to assimilate and interpret sounds, developing a method of communication that improves their expression during this learning period. 

There is also a socio-affective component related to musical expression activities during early childhood education. Music is shared with other students, and is therefore very useful for expressing feelings and practicing empathy from an early age.

Musical expression in cognitive development

At International School Andalucía we follow a bilingual program, with which we ensure that our infant and primary students learn two languages during their first years. Our experience has allowed us to verify that both, language learning and musical expression, predisposes the youngest students to develop their cognitive level, promoting benefits that are maintained into adulthood. 

Music allows the activation of certain nervous connections, which are stimulated exclusively through sounds and movement. These connections are related to long-term memory, and therefore have a crucial impact on their learning. 

In connection with the cognitive advantages of music, this type of activity also helps brain functions related to creativity and self-expression.

Music on the affective level

Unlike other learning activities, music is not developed in isolation, but is shared with other students, which stimulates affective and social skills from the infant stage. 

Music represents a dynamic plane of expression, which helps to foster a level of communication that goes beyond language. Expressing feelings and emotions through music, reinforces the student’s confidence in their ability to interrelate and control their own feelings. 

Music at an early age fosters certain values that they will later develop in their daily lives and allows them to express their emotions in a different way.

Motor skills through musical expression

Regarding motor skills and movement, music during the first years of development is a very useful resource. Students imitate the teacher’s steps, performing movements that are not part of their usual motor skills. 

Music encourages both fine and gross motor skills, so the student learns to control general movements of the limbs, as well as reduced movements based on precision. 

The dance associated with musical sounds allows total freedom when performing body movements, which will be part of their motor learning.

Advantages of Zumbini as a musical expression activity

Zumbini is an activity based on Zumba movements, adapted to children between the ages of 0 and 5 years old. Zumbini is part of an early stimulation program, which combines attention to musical sounds and motor stimulation through coordinated movements. 

One of the main advantages of the stimulation generated by Zumbini is that it encourages rhythm and body balance through musical activities, which favors skills such as balance and movement control.

Zumbini is an activity that allows personal expression, therefore, it also allows them to develop their creativity. This type of activities based on free movement will help to improve long-term memory, encouraging learning-related skills.

Rhythm, melody and movement as part of communication

Oral language is the basis of human communication, however, there are other mechanisms that help us to transmit information and therefore, to communicate with our environment. Movement is a basic capacity of communication, in fact, it is the first communication system we learn.

Music, through rhythm and melody, helps us to transmit messages and emotions that are interpreted from an early age. The movement of dance uses other communicational codes, also very effective in transmitting moods.

The infant courses are the most appropriate stage to learn and put into practice different methods of communication. At this age, we are especially prepared to learn oral and written communication in several languages, but our cognitive system is also more willing to learn and put into practice other communicational and affective processes, which will help us to develop complete communicative processes during our adult life. 

At International School Andalucía we have found that learning during the infant stage is very important in the higher grades, as well as in adult life. Activities related to music and movement stimulate very specific areas of knowledge that are fundamental for their future. 

At International School Andalucía we establish an integral teaching program, based on language learning. The infant stage is the most appropriate time to stimulate their abilities, musical expression activities are a perfect stimulus to encourage their personal and social skills.